Home Values near Zip Code 84096 Minimize HV Section
Median Sale Price$498,125$491,063$462,962$308,980The median value of the home sales for the most recent 12 months. Note that this is not the average (or arithmetic mean). The median home price is the middle value when you arrange all the sales prices of homes from lowest to highest. This is a better indicator than the average, because the median is not changed as much by a few unusually high or low values.

Demographics near Zip Code 84096 Minimize Demographics Section
Population73,32155,8721,205,079335,858,263The area\'s population, based on the 2000 Census figures and projected forward to the present year. For cities with multiple zip codes, the zip code population may be shown from a nearby reporting station not within the same zip code.
Population Density957.52,725.81,623.595.1The number of residents per square mile of area.
Percent Male50.0%50.0%50.0%49.0%The percent of the population which is male.
Percent Female50.0%50.0%50.0%51.0%The percent of the population which is female.
Median Age25. median age of all residents. Median is the middle value, when all possible values are listed in order. Median is not the same as Average (or Mean).
People per Household3. average (mean) number of residents of a household. A household includes all persons who occupy a housing unit, which may be a house, apartment, mobile home, or set of rooms.
Median Household Income$100,265$99,594$77,815$66,222The median income of all households in the geographic area. The median is the middle value when all are arranged from highest to lowest.
Average Income per Capita$29,407$29,355$33,459$35,475The average income of every resident of a geographic area.

Economy near Zip Code 84096 Minimize Economy Section
Cost of Living Index144.0142.0112.0100.0The overall cost of living for an area where 100 equals the national average. It takes in account housing, food and groceries, transportation, utilities, health care, and miscellaneous expenses such as clothing, services, and entertainment. State and local taxes are not included.

Climate near Zip Code 84096 Minimize Climate Section
January Avg. Low Temp22.022.025.422.6The average daily low temperature for the month of January, in degrees Fahrenheit.
July Avg. High Temp95.395.389.086.2The average daily high temperature for the month of July, in degrees Fahrenheit.
Annual Precipitation16161838The annual number of days with measurable precipitation (over .01 inch).

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